J Miller Canvas Inc. Santa Ana, CA

Project Details

Fabric 1

Monotec 370
Producer: Value Vinyls
Supplier: Value Vinyls

Architect Name
Alex Polan

Architect Company
Land Studio 360

Fabrication Name
Jim Miller

Fabrication Company
J. Miller Canvas, Inc.

Project Manager Name
Jim Miller

Project Manager Company
J. Miller Canvas, Inc.

Installation Name
J. Miller Canvas, Inc.

Installation Company
J. Miller Canvas, Inc.

Please describe the project specifications

To retrofit an old structure with infill shade panels.

What was the purpose of this project? What did the client request?

To add a design element, shade and a focal point for a small shopping center food court area.

What is unique or complex about the project?

To reuse the existing columns from an old outdated shade structure. Some columns were shortened some were completely removed for a more modern look. We also used a center ring to support the shades allowing us to remove an old center column which improved the space.

What were the results of the project?

The new shade are is now very popular with the customers

Content is submitted by the participant. IFAI is not responsible for the content descriptions of the IAA award winners.